About PJs For Sick DaysPJs For Sick Days is a 501(c)3 organization that provides pajamas and other personal items to hospitalized kids to brighten their time in care. We work in partnership with local hospitals in Northern California and strive to create a positive environment for kids by making them feel more comfortable while hospitalized.
PJs for Sick Days is a registered 501(c)3 organization that strives to better the lives of hospitalized kids in Northern California by providing pajamas and other personal items that brighten young patients lives.
PJs For Sick Days' mission is to make hospital stays better days for kids in Northern California. We do this by providing pajamas and other personal items to improve the lives of hospitalized kids during their time in care. |
Interested in supporting the work of PJs For Sick Days? Make a tax deductible donation to our work here, or contact us to see how you can get involved!
"PJs For Sick Days helps take concern away for our families by providing new clean clothing for those pediatric patients who need it. We are so grateful to Jack and his foundation’s work!"
Cristina Chandri, MS, CCLS
Pediatric Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Cristina Chandri, MS, CCLS
Pediatric Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center